Hira Kazmi / Pakistan

Follow your Dreams

Hello fam! Thank you for the love and support you gave me evey single day. Numerous challenges after creating this art account paved way to learn, explore and try new aspects in making illustrations and animations to speak for women empowerment and social injustice. I finally learned what consistency really mean and how to pursue my dream.

  • 작품정보

    Digital Illustration, 1080x 1080 px

  • 제작연도


  • 구입문의처


Bio: Hira Kazmi is an internationally featured illustrator based in Pakistan. She illustrates women to give physical form from a south Asian woman’s perspective, paying particular attention to our emotional landscapes - to gestures, people and feelings left unsaid such as mental illness, social issues and women rights. Hira has had her work exhibited online on several platforms including TCC McKeon Centre for Creativity, Tulsa, USA, Rooftop art center, UK, and University of Arts, London. 


She has published her illustration in a a Book "Plague 2020" and several international magazines including Entropy, Ainmagazine and Feminism around the world. 


Hello fam! Thank you for the love and support you gave me evey single day. 

Numerous challenges after creating this art account paved way to learn, explore and try new aspects in making illustrations and animations to speak for women empowerment and social injustice. I finally learned what consistency really mean and how to pursue my dream. It’s all about seeing my hardwork getting paid in the form of your love and support. It’s about all the baby steps I take every day and feeling proud for my little accomplishments. Looking back at my very first post, I have realised I’ve grown a lot after creating this art account. Your love and support has helped me to grow and learn.
Thanks to each of you for being supportive and helping me travel this far.
Stay Blessed!